這件作品試圖顛覆由「Hello Kitty」等大眾文化所形塑的既定觀念,帶來了象徵著「童真」與「可愛」的造型氣球玩偶。放大到誇張尺寸的兔子玩偶難受地卡在地面和天花板之間,雖然它們依舊露出燦爛的笑容,但也能看出藝術家正是利用這種裝置方式,對現代消費社會中,偏愛可愛風格的陳腐品味進行諷刺、幽默和批判。無法擁有正常空間的兩隻兔子被迫低著頭、勉強支撐在狹小場域中,令人聯想到我們在日常生活中被規則和習俗制約和束縛,無法做出任何抵抗而只能順從的景況。此外,看似可愛卻並不幸福的玩偶呈現著不舒服的姿勢,反映了在擁擠的大都市中,因人口過多而使得居住與生活空間逐漸窄化,宛如「兔子窩」,即使在個人日常中也會感到心理上的不安,無法享受人性化的生活。
Employing balloon bunnies that typically symbolise naivety and cuteness, this work challenges the stereotypes of endearing characters propagated by mass culture phenomena like Hello Kitty. The oversized balloon bunnies, awkwardly wedged between ceiling and floor, maintains an incongruously bright smile. Through this imagery, the artist critiques and mocks at the societal preference for clichéd, satirical aesthetics.
Confined in a constrictive space, the bunnies' inability to raise their heads evokes scenarios where individuals are bound by societal rules and customs, compelled to acquiesce rather than resist. While the bunnies appear adorable, their uncomfortable postures belie an underlying discontent, metaphorically representing urban life overwhelmed by overpopulation and diminishing living spaces—akin to rabbits in cramped hutches. This work suggests that dwellers of the urban jungle experience constant unease, unable to fully realise a humane lifestyle even in their everyday life.